The Chalybeate Spring
Approximately 400 years ago, in the early 1600s, The Chalybeate Spring (pronounced ka-lee-bee-at) in The Pantiles was discovered by Lord North. Lord North felt revived by drinking the cool waters from this spring in the heart of Tunbridge Wells, feeling benefit from the iron-rich minerals in it. It has since been claimed that the spring water from The Chalybeate Spring has rejuvenating properties – helping to cure hangovers, stomach ailments and even infertility!
The royal connection
By 1619, Tunbridge Wells had become a popular meeting place for royalty and aristocracy. In fact, in 1629, Her Majesty the Queen of England came to enjoy the waters – quickly followed by finding herself pregnant with Charles II! King Charles II, King James I, Catherine of Braganza, Queen Anne and Queen Victoria all visited The Chalybeate Spring – leading to King Edward VII granting Tunbridge Wells its Royal title in 1909 to commemorate its long-standing royal connection.
In 1804, The Bath House was built over The Chalybeate Spring. The House being designed by J T Groves. Initially, the House provided a place where visitors could enjoy hot and cold baths, showers and vapour using the spring waters. In addition, The Chalybeate spring water was served by someone called a ‘Dipper’ for drinking – it being heralded as a ‘medicinal solution’. This tradition carries on today, when circumstances allow.
Why is the water so good?
The Chalybeate Spring water contains iron, manganese, zinc and calcium in extraordinarily high volumes.
Iron: as our bodies don’t produce iron themselves, it’s important to make sure we have it in our diets. Iron helps to oxygenate our blood and gives us energy.
Manganese: manganese aids our metabolism, helps to regulate our blood sugar and breaks down carbohydrates and cholesterol
Zinc: by building proteins, healing tissue and supporting the immune system, zinc is imperative for the growth of cells and overall wellbeing
Calcium: as well as ensuring our bones are healthy and strong, calcium also supports circulating blood, muscles, and hormones

Royal TW Spring Water
In correlation with the King’s Coronation on Saturday 6th May, a new brand of spring water was introduced – Royal TW Spring Water. The launch took place at The Pantiles amongst other celebratory activities.
This new brand of spring water allows everyone to enjoy and reap the benefits from this mineral-rich water with exceptional properties. Available to buy in glass bottles, Royal TW Spring Water includes natural, sparkling and botanically-infused varieties.
This pure Royal Tunbridge Wells water has been filtered and permeated through gigantic layers of rock, deep underground. Springing forth a unique mineral composition that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
To find out more about TW Spring Water, visit: